This year we’re planning a slimmed-down event, by invitation, for fans of the Winter Solabration. It will end earlier, with fewer acts and a shortened dance in a modest-sized space. If you're a fan of the Solabration, and you'd like to receive an evite, please send an
Watch this space for more details!
The Winter Solabration is a community celebration of Christmas and Solstice customs. Dancers, singers, musicians, actors, and other performers participate in bringing in the new year at the time of the Winter Solstice — the year’s longest night. Other participants, besides donating to help cover the cost of the event, bring a snack or dessert potluck to share. We encourage everyone to participate in community singing and dancing. The dancing consists primarily of traditional American community dances, all of which are taught and walked through so that all who wish to may join in. This year’s revelry features a Mummer’s play, English rapper sword with the Solstice Sword Dancers, Morris dance performances by the Maroon Bells Morris and more! The evening begins with wassail and caroling, storyteller Susan Marie Frontczak, Extreme Juggler Bryan Connolly and concludes with a performance of the mysterious Abbot’s Bromley Horn Dance.
Traditional American Community dances are the contras, squares, and circle dances which have been a part of our American heritage for the past 200 years. They are easy to learn, and we encourage everyone to participate.